13 December 2016 – Philippine Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process Secretary Jesus Dureza met with the Filipino-American media and members of the Filipino-American community at Lunch Forum at the Kalayaan Hall Annex of the Philippine Center New York on December 09.

Philippine Consul General to New York Theresa Dizon-de Vega introduced Secretary Dureza, noting that the Secretary attended the Simbang Gabi sa Konsulado the previous night and delivered an address before some 150 Filipino mass-goers.

Secretary Dureza endeavored to enlighten the attendees on what he termed as the “Duterte enigma,” relating his personal understanding of the President’s character and strategic thinking.

Speaking about his Office’s accomplishments, Secretary Dureza apprised the group on Peace Process developments, and shared results of the first and second rounds of the Peace Talks with the rebel groups.

Secretary Dureza likewise disclosed that a third round of talks is scheduled in January in Rome, where the Government and the CPP-NPA will discuss socio-economic reforms.

He is hopeful that the “Dividends of Peace” will be realized as the Peace Talks progress, and is seeking support from the international community in this regard. Later that day, he met with United Nations Development Program Administrator Helen Clark to talk about the development aspects of the peace process.

The Secretary entertained questions from the all attendees on other issues such as extra-judicial killings, the move towards federalism in the Philippines, contributions of the Filipino-American community, the situation of the Lumads (indigenous people) in the midst of the peace negotiations, and the economic prospects of the Philippines under the Duterte administration, among others. END