29 October 2013 - Philippine Ambassador to Brazil Eva G. Betita, as Chairperson of the ASEAN Committee in Brasilia (ACB), led the group of Ambassadors in visiting Centro Universitário de Anápolis (UniEvangélica), one of the largest universities in Goias, Brazil, and the DAIA industrial zone in Anapolis on October 23.
The visit of ACB aimed to establish links with the academe and the business sector of Goias, the closest Brazilian state to the Federal District which includes the nation’s capital, Brasilia, in order to foster deeper ASEAN-Brazil relations particularly with the academe and industry leaders.
Ambassador Betita opened the roundtable discussion on ASEAN and its relations with Brazil and the MERCOSUR (Mercado Común del Sur), the South American trade bloc. More than 200 students, professors, local officials and businessmen attended the event which coincided with the university`s Congresso Internacional de Pesquisa, Ensino e Extensão (International Congress on Research, Education and Outreach).
Prior to the roundtable discussion, Ambassador Betita, together with Malaysian Ambassador Sudha Devi, Myanmar Ambassador Thiri Pyanchi U Tun Nay Linn, Thai Embassy’s Chargé d'Affaires Vithit Powattanasuk, and Indonesian Embassy’s Chargé d'Affaires Rizki Safary, were welcomed by Mr. Carlos Hassel Mendes, Rector of UniEvangelica, as special guests during the opening of the Science and Technology Fair.
As part of ACB's economic diplomacy efforts, the ASEAN Ambassadors and Chargés d'Affaires visited the Porto Seco (Dry Port), a bonded warehouse which facilitates customs clearance for importers and exporters, and Isoeste Company, a technology leader in thermal insulation. Both are located in Distrito Agro-Industrial de Anápolis (DAIA), the industrial complex of Anápolis, State of Goias. END