29 December 2016 — Representatives of the Philippine Embassy in Moscow traveled to  Penal Colony No. 13 in the Republic of Mordovia on December 12 and 13 to visit a Filipina convicted for theft to ensure her well-being and to work for her early release. Part of the Russian Federation, Mordovia is located 600 kilometers from Moscow.

Mr. Christian Glenn B. Baggas, the Embassy’s Assistance to Nationals Officer, spoke with the Filipina and provided her with some toiletries and personal items. Mr. Baggas was accompanied by Mr. Dmitry Khodzko, the Embassy’s official interpreter.

The Filipina told the Embassy Team that prison officials were treating her well.

Mr. Baggas, together with Mr. Khodzko, also met with prison officials with whom they were able to work out the Filipina’s early release and safe transport back to Moscow. This positive development in her case was received enthusiastically by the Filipina.

The Embassy constantly updates the Filipina’s friends and family regarding her situation and her early release.

Upon her release, the Philippine Embassy in Moscow will continue to provide assistance to ensure her safety and well-being while in Russia until she returns to the Philippines. END