05 January 2017 – The Philippine Embassy in Lebanon commemorated the 120th Death Anniversary of Philippine national hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal on Rizal Day.
Chargé d’ Affaires Enrik Fort E. Revillas led the commemoration together with Vice Consul Grace Perpetua, Labor Officer Bulyok Nilong, Welfare Officer Allan Baban.
The Embassy, Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO) and Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) officers and staff as well as Filipinos sheltered in the Embassy’s Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos Resource Center (MWOFRC) attended the ceremony.
Charge d’Affaires Revillas discussed the significance of commemorating the death anniversary of the Philippines’ national hero. He talked about life of Rizal as a migrant Filipino to the countries of Europe and Japan.
He encouraged the audience to emulate Rizal’s example by honing their skills and characteristics so they can bring home a better version of themselves. END