06 January 2017 — Charge d’Affaires (CDA) Juan E. Dayang, Jr., with the Philippine Embassy staff, led the 120th anniversary of Dr. Jose Rizal’s martyrdom at the Philippine Embassy’s premises at Senovážné náměstí 8, Prague, Czech Republic on December 30, 2016.
Among the guests who braved the winter cold to attend the ceremony were the officers and members of the Order of the Knights of Rizal (KOR) Prague Chapter and Las Damas de Rizal (LDR) Prague Chapter and their family members and friends.
The simple ceremony started with the singing of the National Anthem led by Cultural Officer and Acting Administrative Officer Gracia R. Perenyi followed by the welcome remarks and reading of the Rizal Day message of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte by Consul Dayang. The ladies of LDR offered a bouquet of flowers and Knights of the KOR offered a hand salute to the bust of national hero Dr. Rizal.
Consul Dayang with the KOR Prague Chapter Commander Stepan Klocočka and Las Damas de Rizal President Rachel Escame unveiled a modern portrait of Rizal by renowned artist Rene Robles was unveiled during the ceremony. The painting was a donation by the painter to the Embassy through the kindness of Germany-based curator Virgilio Cuizon.
The Knights of Rizal also held its year-end meeting at the Embassy premises where CDA Dayang, Knight Commander of Rizal, was named as Deputy Commander of the Prague KOR Chapter. Chapter Commander Klocočka led the KOR meeting to discuss the revised by-laws of the Order, the International Conference in Davao City in February, and the calendar of planned activities of the KOR in 2017.
A simple reception with refreshments were prepared by the Embassy personnel and LDR for about 20 guests.
The Order of the Knights of Rizal Prague Chapter has pledged to support the activities of the Embassy in promoting the life and works of Dr. Jose Rizal, who visited the Czech lands in 1887. It was in Litoměrice where he met his friend Dr. Ferdinand Blumentritt. The Embassy of the Philippines has put up a Rizal-Blumentritt Trail in Litoměrice that attracts tourists interested in Rizal and his travels to Europe. END