06 January 2017 – The Autism Hearts Foundation, Inc. with the support of the Philippine Consulate General in New York, launched the 2017 Fashion Arts Autism Benefit (FAAB) on January 04 which will take place at the Philippine Center in New York on April 07, 2017 with Philippine Department of Health (DOH) Secretary Paulyn Ubial as Guest of Honor.

Autism Hearts Foundation President and Founder Erlinda Borromeo, Foundation Executive Director Thomas Natale, and California-based fashion designer Anthony Legarda attended the launch with Consul General Theresa Dizon-de Vega and representatives of the Philippine Mission to the United Nations.

The Fashion Arts Autism Benefit will feature art works by autistic children done on piña fabric which will be used for fashion pieces designed by Patis Tesoro and Anthony Legarda. Sample piña wraps and shawls were presented during the event launch.

The Fashion Benefit is part of Autism Hearts Foundation’s advocacy in raising awareness of autism, greater integration of those with the condition in mainstream society, and providing opportunities for persons with autism to maximize their full potential.

The Fashion Benefit will be preceded by an exhibit of the works of the autistic children at the United Nations Headquarters and a special art workshop where the children will be mentored by Filipino and Filipino-American artists based in New York.

In her welcome remarks, Consul General Dizon-de Vega stated that support for the project is part of the Philippine Government’s efforts to raise awareness on advocacy programs initiated by members of the Filipino-American Community and also as part of the Consulate General’s contributions to the Philippine Government’s National Strategy on Managing Autism.

Also in attendance at the event launch were members of the Filipino-American media, volunteers from the Filipino Community in the US Northeast and California, Ms. Carol Tanjutco, a New York Financial Advisor and Journalist as well as a volunteer for the event and the 18-year old Julien Borromeo who is one of the featured artists in the exhibit and benefit.

Autism Hearts Foundation is a 501c (3) registered organization and is a partner of Autism Speaks. The Foundation continues to collaborate with the Philippine Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and the DOH on various autism advocacy programs in the Philippines. END