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23 January 2017 - The American Diabetes Association (ADA), in partnership with the Consulate General of the Philippines in Chicago, hosted a forum titled “Diabetes: Don’t Sugar Coat It” during the “Ika-21 Pagkikita sa Konsulado” on January 19.

Philippine Consul General Generoso D.G. Calonge acknowledged and thanked ADA for leading the discussion in the Consulate General on the growing public health crisis that is diabetes.

Dr. Robert M. Sargis, MD, PhD was the resource speaker for the forum on diabetes. Dr. Sargis is a Professor of Medicine at the University of Illinois in Chicago who runs a laboratory that examines the role of environmental pollutants in the development of obesity and diabetes.

In his lecture, Dr. Sargis informed the members of the Filipino-American community in Chicago that Filipinos, in general, are among the higher risk groups for developing type 2 diabetes. He then discussed general tips on prevention and attempts at treating the disease.

In the same activity, the Consulate General observed Autism Consciousness Week 2017 through a brief introduction, a short video clip on autism, and pledging to the oath titled “1 Pangako.”END

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Chicago 3