06 November 2013 – It was a proud moment for the Philippines yesterday afternoon, November 04 when the maiden flight of Philippines Airlines’ (PAL) direct services from Manila touched down at London’s Heathrow International Airport.
PAL’s landing was greeted with two water canons amid cheers from Heathrow authorities and Filipino-British media who were specially invited to witness the event including Philippine Ambassador to the United Kingdom (UK), Enrique Manalo.
On board the new, twin-engine Boeing 777-300ER were Mr Ramon Ang, President and Chief Operating Officer of PAL, British Ambassador to the Philippines Asif Anwar Ahmad, and various Philippine journalists/reporters representing the various Philippine major dailies.
In his welcome speech, Ambassador Manalo congratulated PAL and remarked that after an absence of 15 years, the timing of the new direct flight services between Manila and London could not have come at a better time; just when the Philippines has been reaping success and recognition on the international stage with its strong economic performance and solid economic fundamentals.
He added that PAL’s arrival also augurs well for Philippine-British bilateral ties.
The Philippines considers the UK a very important partner: it is the Philippines’ top European investor, one of the Philippines’ top trading partners, the biggest European tourism market, and host to the largest Filipino community in Europe.
According to Ambassador Manalo, PAL will play an important part in reinvigorating the Philippines’ ties with the UK – from trade and investment to tourism cooperation and the promotion of closer people-to-people linkages.
PAL’s return to Europe is expected to yield increased tourist traffic to the Philippines and contribute to the Department of Tourism’s target to attain 10 million visitors by 2016. END