Bangkok Christmas tree charity award

09 December 2013 - The Philippine Embassy in Bangkok participated on November 22 in the Christmas tree decoration for the “Christmas Tree Charity Award 2013” organized by the Central Department Store, Ltd and held at the ZEN Department Store.  The organizers of the event hope to raise the spirit of giving among the visitors of the department store during the festive season.

Bangkok Christmas tree charity award2The 11 participating Embassies were given similar green Christmas trees which the participants decorated with ornaments from their respective countries and ornaments provided by the organizers. The trees will be displayed from November 22 to December 13 as the public are invited to vote for their favorite tree, both at the store and online. For this year, the organizers will award three prizes to the winning trees namely:  100,000.00 Thai baht (THB) for the tree with the highest number of votes, THB 50,000.00 for the second highest and THB 15,000.00 for the third highest votes.  The Embassies that decorated the winning trees will be able to designate the charitable institutions that will receive the prizes. The winners will be announced on December 16.

The Philippine Embassy’s Christmas tree is decorated with miniature lanterns and angels made of capiz, angels made of abaca and sinamay fibers from the Philippines together with the ornaments and multi colored lights provided by the store.  The Philippine native Christmas ornaments over the green Christmas tree highlight the beauty of Philippine Christmas ornaments as well as showed the viewing public styles on how the Filipinos decorate their Christmas trees as they celebrate the birth of Christ. END