20 December 2013 - As the Philippine Embassy continues to its mobile consular services for Filipinos in New Zealand, Ambassador Virginia H. Benavidez led the Philippine Embassy Mobile Consular Team composed of Consul Arlene Gonzales-Macaisa, Atty. Levy Strang, Ms. Ofelia Coralde, Ms. Mary Bel Garcia and Mr. Julius Verano in mounting its first ever reach-out mission for the benefit of Filipinos in Greymouth and the adjacent areas of the South Island from December 6 to 9. Dubbed “The Philippine Embassy in New Zealand: Serving with a Smile, Going the Extra Mile and Reaching Beyond Our Grasp” mobile consular services, a total of 130 Filipinos from Greymouth, Invercargill, Nelson, Christchurch, Ashburton, Hokitika, Timaru, Culverden, and Westport availed of e-passports and NBI applications, notarial documentation and registration of births and marriage services.
Filipinos in Greymouth and other parts of the South Island reiterated their deep gratitude to the Philippine Government through the Embassy for rendering the much-needed and sought-after consular services right where they are residing and working. The first applicant is Mr. Arnold Hermo Perez, a Chef who works in Nelson and conveyed his appreciation to the Embassy in reaching out to the Filipinos. Several Filipinos from the different cities and towns gave very positive and highly appreciative feedback for this continuing excellent and timely service which saves them a lot of money, time, days off and resources as it would have been extremely costly, inconvenient and difficult if they had to go all the way to Wellington. “Happy and thankful, very good, fast, accommodating and awesome service, friendly, helpful and nice staff, well-organized and efficient system, well done and great,” were among the written feedback given by the Filipinos. The Philippine Embassy has always shared with the Filipino community the Philippine Government’s priority and concern for their welfare and well-being as the third pillar of Philippine foreign policy. “In recognition of the vital roles and contributions of the global Filipinos to nation-building in the Philippines and New Zealand, the Philippine Embassy will continue to reach out to them through our mobile consular services and dialogue, demonstrate its caring and sharing spirit and bring the Embassy’s services closer to more than 36,000 Filipinos here,” Ambassador Benavidez stated.
During the Fellowship Night with the Filipinos in Greymouth last December 07, Ambassador Benavidez and Consul Macaisa interacted with several members of the Filipino community and their families, Mr. Allan Wilson, Civil Defence Emergency Manager at the Grey District Council, Ms.Birte Becker, New Coasters Settling In Support Worker. Ambassador Benavidez thanked them for their invaluable assistance, support and cooperation, shared with them the outpouring of sympathy, solidarity and support in the aftermath of super typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) from the New Zealand Government and people, other partner countries, non-government organizations, aid agencies and the donor communities worldwide and from the Filipinos back home in the Philippines, New Zealand and other countries demonstrating the strong “Bayanihan” spirit and generosity. She also called upon them to continue to lend a helping hand for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of homes, schools and infrastructure and restoration of livelihood for all those who fought so hard and so well to survive. Ambassador Benavidez conveyed her deep appreciation for their willingness and cooperation to lead the Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response Plan in coordination with the relevant local authorities and the Philippine Embassy. Mr. Allan Wilsongave a briefing on the significant threats and thedisaster preparedness and emergency response programmes for the areas covered by the District. Ambassador Benavidez presented the Philippine Embassy’s Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response Plan for Filipino Communities, Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response Plan for Philippine Embassy Personnel, and the Further Steps that the Philippine Embassy is taking to prepare itself and the Filipino community for an emergency. She shared the template the Embassy disseminates to the Filipino community organizations and leaders in New Zealand during meetings with them as part of the Embassy’s Mobile Consular Outreach activities. The template consists of information regarding the Filipino community in a specific area, the significant threats in the area, the geographic and zoning map of the area, list of Filipino community with contact details, list of contacts with local government and non-government agencies in the area, list of nearest Civil Defence Centres, Communications Networks available, Disaster Readiness Campaign and survival kits, information on alert levels in place, identification of relocation centres, identification of evacuation exit points, and budgetary requirements. This template has been disseminated and explained to Filipino communities which the Embassy has visited during its Mobile Consular Outreach in 23 cities in New Zealand’s North and South Islands. Ambassador Benavidez highlighted the Embassy’s comprehensive advisory on “Practical Steps and Useful Tips” to be followed before, during and after an earthquake was and advised Filipinos to be resilient in times of natural disasters such as earthquakes and that the Filipino community must ensure that they are capable of surviving on their own for three days (next 72 hours) after a disaster happens. She requested Mr. Allan Wilson to hold a detailed workshop on disaster preparedness for the Filipinos who will act as coordinators and area support officers for this purpose in Greymouth.
Ambassador Benavidez and Atty. Levy Strang visited the sprawling dairy farm of Rose and Alaster Linton at Hokitika where members of the Filipino community and their families had a luncheon gathering and lively interaction with one another. Ambassador Benavidez thanked Rose and Alaster Linton for their warm hospitality and graciousness and Ms. Leonora and Graeme Freeman, Ms. Maribel Moore and those who assisted the Philippine Embassy Mobile Consular Team in ensuring a successful and productive outreach mission in Greymouth. END