Filipino Visual Artists in Riyadh Exhibit Works on Philippine, Saudi Arabian Subjects

Riyadh Visual Artist 1 

PHOTO: The Philippine Embassy in Riyadh inaugurated an art exhibit featuring the works of HAGOD Filipino Visual Artists – Riyadh at the Embassy Chancery on 12 June 2019. The event coincided with the celebration of the 121st Anniversary of the Proclamation of Philippine Independence.

The contributing artists showcase multi-media art works focusing on Philippine and Saudi Arabian subjects, which highlight this year’s celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the Philippines and Saudi Arabia. (Riyadh PE photo)

 Riyadh Visual Artist 2

Riyadh Visual Artist 3

Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Adnan V. Alonto, together with Madame Jo Alonto, other Embassy officials, and the contributing artists, led the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the exhibit. (Riyadh PE photo)

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