PH Consul General Interview by Radio Migrante in São Paulo

 brasilia Interview

PHOTO: Philippine Embassy in Brasilia Consul General Ariz Convalecer (right, in blue polo) was interviewed by São Paulo-based Filipino community leader Leilani Nazarro over Radio Migrante, Missão Paz’ radio station which caters to foreign migrants in São Paulo on 19 June 2019.

Filipinos in São Paulo are given a 30-minute daily time slot in Radio Migrante, which is broadcast throughout the Americas.  During his radio guesting, Consul General Convalecer spoke about the relevance of the celebration of Philippine Independence.

Missão Paz is a philanthropic institution supporting and welcoming immigrants and refugees in the city of São Paulo. Belonging to the Scalabrinian missionaries, it has worked for the migrant public since the 1930s. Throughout its history it has received Italians, Vietnamese, Koreans, Chileans, Bolivians, Paraguayans, Peruvians, Congolese, Angolans, Nigerians, Colombians, Haitians, Venezuelans, among many other peoples in the world. Currently, the institution meets individuals from more than 70 nationalities, including Filipinos. (Brasilia PE photo)

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