Amangpintor Visits PH Embassy in Athens

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Left photo: Filipino artist Elito Villaflor Circa, also known as Amangpintor, demonstrates finger painting at the Philippine Embassy in Athens. Right photo: Amangpintor with Embassy Chargé d’Affaires (CDA), a.i., Rosario P. Lemque (leftmost), and First Secretary and Consul Judy Barbara G. Robianes (rightmost). (Athens PE photo)

ATHENS 05 July 2019 — Filipino artist Elito Villaflor Circa or better known as Amangpintor, an accomplished hand painter from San Jose Nueva Ecija, visited Athens on 07 to 08 June 2019.

Mr. Circa visited the Philippine Embassy in Athens on 07 June 2019 for a courtesy call on Embassy Chargé d’Affaires, a.i., Rosario P. Lemque and to demonstrate his style of finger painting.  The artist made two paintings during the demonstration, which he donated to the Embassy.

After the visit at the Embassy, Mr. Circa went to the Philippine School in Greece (PSG), to conduct a painting workshop for the PSG students.

On 08 June 2019, the artist conducted another painting demonstration, this time before the members of the Filipino community in Athens, during the Santacruzan and Pistang Pilipino event organized by the KASAPI HELLAS. END

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Mr. Circa describes his style of painting to CDA Lemque. (Athens PE photo)

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Mr. Circa (third from left) with some Embassy officers and staff and members of the Filipino community at an informal dinner hosted by CDA Lemque (second from right). (Athens PE photo)

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