PH Consulate General in Hawaii Holds Back-to-Back Briefings on IT, Business Process Outsourcing

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Consul General to Honolulu Joselito A. Jimeno together with the visiting delegation from Healthcare Information Management Association of the Philippines HIMAP and PLDT US. (Honolulu PCG photo)

HONOLULU 09 July 2019 — The Philippine Consulate General in Honolulu concluded two back-to-back events to promote the Philippines’ information technology (IT) and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Industry.

On 29 May 2019, the Consulate General conducted a “Briefing on Philippines’ ICT and Healthcare Management Industry” at the Sullivan Conference Center in Honolulu. On 26 June 2019, the it organized another briefing, this time on the “Best Practices on IT-Business Process Outsourcing” at Max’s of Manila in Dillingham.

The first event was done in coordination with the Healthcare Information Management Association of the Philippines (HIMAP), the Filipino Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii (FCCH), PLDT US, and Pointwest Technologies Inc. Representatives from Adec Innovations, Advance World Solutions, Inc., Connext Global Solutions, Edulynx Corporation, PLDT US, Pointwest Technologies Corporation, and Visaya KPO were present during the briefing to provide information to participants regarding the country’s capabilities in terms of ITC, BPO, and Healthcare Information Management System (HIMS).

The members of the visiting delegation include the following: Advanced World Solutions, Inc.Vice President Vincent Remo, Connext Global Solutions President Tim Mobley, Edulynx Corporation President Raymond Ang, Ms. Amanda Reyes of Edulynx Corporation, PLDT US Global Market Operations Head Ja-mes Melon, PLDT US Product and Marketing Head Albert Del Rosario, PLDT US Regional Head for Americas and Europe Roselle dela Cruz, Pointwest Technologies Inc. Business Development Manager Juanloz Botor, Visaya KPO President Cesar Valenzuela, and Visaya KPO Vice President Julian Kyle Valenzuela. 

Meanwhile, the Briefing on Best Practices in IT-BPO was done in coordination with Panalo.Co, FCCH, and the Filipino Junior Chamber (FJC). Panalo.Co Chief Executive Officer JR Calanoc served as the guest speaker along with Vice Consul Andrea Christina Caymo.

Healthcare, Medical Tourism, and IT-BPO are some of the key priority sectors identified by the Consulate General’s Economic Section. Currently, there is inadequate supply of qualified labor in Hawaii in the field of IT and healthcare, which contributes to the high cost of services in these industries. There is a potential to outsource many of the back-end operations of IT and healthcare businesses as well as introduce new IT and healthcare-related services that will improve cost-effectiveness and efficiency of local businesses, allowing workers to focus on their core competencies and not be bogged down by routinely processes that can be automated or outsourced.

Through the two briefings, the Consulate General and its partners hoped to provide relevant information and generate more interest among local businesses, consultants, healthcare and IT practitioners, to consider outsourcing some of their non-core operations in the Philippines to relieve their company of the burden of having to find qualified labor to fulfill non-core functions and allow their staff to focus on work that matters most to their clients.

Businesses are also encouraged to participate in the business matching session in Manila during the 2019 Trade Mission to the Philippines on 14-21 October 2019 which will be co-organized by the Consulate General, in coordination with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and FCCH. END

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Top left: Consul General Jimeno delivers the opening remarks during the Briefing on Philippines’ ITC and Healthcare Management Industry. Top right: Participants listening during Briefing on Philippines’ ITC and Healthcare Management Industry. Bottom photo: Group photo during Briefing on Philippines’ ITC and Healthcare Management Industry. (Honolulu PCG photo)

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Meeting with the Healthcare Association of Hawaii (Honolulu PCG photo)

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Meeting with the Executive Director Edwin Hawkins and Firmo Dayao of the Office of Economic Development (Honolulu PCG photo)

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