Nairobi fun run for better health care1

20 March 2013 - In celebration of International Women's Day, the personnel of the Philippine Embassy in Nairobi, as well as some members of the Filipino community supported the Kenyan First Lady's campaign to reduce child mortality, improve maternal health and raise HIV awareness in Kenya by joining the "First Lady's Half Marathon" last March 09  in Nairobi.

The Half-Marathon under the "Below Zero Campaign" aims to raise funds to buy mobile clinics for all 47 counties in Kenya.   The mobile clinics will increase citizen's access to medical care and facilities.

More than 5,500 women in Kenya die annually due to pregnancy and birth-related complications that are otherwise preventable.  More than 100,000 children below the age of five die before their first birthday and around 13,000 new HIV infections among children were recorded in 2012.

The campaign also hopes to raise awareness about HIV. An estimated 1.6 million live with HIV in Kenya. END

Nairobi fun run for better health care2