PH Embassy in Damascus Celebrates National Heritage Month with Santacruzan, Iftar



Philippine Embassy in Damascus Chargé d’ affaires (CDA),e.p. Alex V. Lamadrid (left most) explains the importance of celebrating the National Heritage Month and Flores de Mayo. (Damascus PE photo)


DAMASCUS 1 July 2019 - In celebration of Philippine Heritage Month and Flores de Mayo, the Philippine Embassy in Damascus headed by Chargé d’ affaires (CDA) Alex V. Lamadrid held the May Flower 2019 Santacruzan on 11 May 2019 at the Chancery.

The Santacruzan exhibited the creativity and resourcefulness of the woman sheltered at the Embassy's Filipino Workers Resource Center (FWRC). The clothes and accessories that the participants wore during the event were made of recycled materials such as used paper and magazines, different kinds of plastic bag, rice sacks, old clothes and cd’s.

The event opened with a message on the significance of the celebration given by CDA Lamadrid, followed by the Santacruzan parade showcasing the participants’ handsewn gowns and accessories. Participants with the most creative and eco-friendly gowns were awarded cash prizes.

After the Santacruzan, the FWRC wards were treated to a sumptuous Iftar, a meal shared in unity with Muslim and Christian participants and Embassy personnel in observance of the breaking of the fast during the holy month of Ramadan.

The event aimed to keep the Filipino tradition and spirit alive in Damascus in line with the celebration of National Heritage month, as well as to raise awareness in preserving the environment and encourage everyone to act individually to save the earth. END


The Santacruzan participants wearing their handsewn gowns made of used garbage bags, rice sacks, paper and magazines, and old cd’s. (Damascus PE photo)


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