PH Launches Bid for UN Board of Auditors Seat


Comission on Audit (COA) Chairman Michael Aguinaldo committed to ensuring transparency, accountability and independence if COA gets the UNBOA seat. (New York PM photo)

NEW YORK 06 August 2019 – The Philippines formally launched the candidacy of the country’s Commission on Audit (COA) to the prestigious three-member United Nations Board of Auditors (UNBoA) for the term 2020-2026 at a diplomatic reception hosted by the Philippine Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York last 19 July 2019.

In her welcome remarks, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. (CDA) Ambassador Kira Christianne D. Azucena highlighted the extensive experience of the Commission in the field of external audit, having served twice in the UNBOA for 18 years in 1984-1992 and in 1999-2007, and as external auditor to Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in 2008-2019, World Health Organization (WHO) in 2012-2019, International Labor Organization (ILO) in 2016-2019, and United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in 2018-2019.

“During these years of service, COA has earned for itself a distinguished track record, expertise and competence, and more importantly, a unique insight and understanding of the needs and priorities of the organization,” Ambassador Azucena said.

Ambassador Azucena introduced the person behind the institution’s leadership, Chairman Michael Aguinaldo, who has 25 years of experience as a law practitioner, a government official and a law professor.

She said that Chairman Aguinaldo intends to steer the COA’s work in the UNBoA, guided by transparency and accountability and to advocate for dialogue to ensure the independence and integrity of the Board, among others.

In his presentation, Chairman Aguinaldo underscored the wide-ranging experience and competencies the organization has built through its people and a pool of around 200 UN auditors, of which 80 percent are women, who are ready, willing and able to provide the service needed.

This expertise has driven them to forge ahead and to seek to secure a seat in the UNBoA to make a significant contribution to the strengthening of an important foundation of UN governance. 


Philippine Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York Charge d’Affaires, a.i. (CDA) Ambassador Kira Christianne D. Azucena presents the COA team representing the 200 UN auditors, of which 80 percent are women. (New York PM photo)

Chairman Aguinaldo added that while external audit by its very nature, is a cornerstone of good governance through the oversight role that it plays, it should not be viewed exclusively as such. Its audit engagements with the various UN agencies have made auditing more insightful and significant, especially at a period when the call for accountability and good governance is crucial to the survival of the United Nations as an organization.

He said that COA has deemed it timely that audits are delivered in accordance with the UN’s operating objectives, especially in the light of current UN reforms and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Currently, Germany, Chile and India comprise the Board membership. The Philippines hopes to secure the seat to be vacated by India when it ends its term in June 2020. END


Diplomats from various Permanent Missions to the United Nations listen to the presentation of Chairman Aguinaldo. (New York PM photo)

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