PH Consulate General Pitches PH as Retirement Haven to Chicago Business Community

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Consul General to Chicago Gina A. Jamoralin (eighth from left) poses with speakers and partners of the “Opportunities in the Philippine Retirement Industry” executive seminar and luncheon at the Union League Club of Chicago on 09 August 2019. From left: Casey de Leon (BPI), Consul Ryan Gener, Laarni Basa (Union League), Eric Martinez (Social Security Administration), Mutley Dulay (BPI), Mau Barreiro (Ayala Corp.), Senior Vice Preident Noel Tagaza (BPI), CEO Aurora Ignacio (SSS), General Manager Bienvendio Chy (Philippine Retirement Authority), Trina Aguas (Ayala Land), OIC Joy Villacorta (SSS), and Tessa Santiago (Ayala Land). (Chicago PCG photo)

CHICAGO 23 August 2019 – As one of the side events of the First Philippine Retirement Summit in the U.S. Midwest, the Philippine Consulate General in Chicago held an executive seminar and luncheon entitled “Opportunities in the Philippine Retirement Industry” at the exclusive Union League Club of Chicago on 09 August 2019.

The Consulate General, in cooperation with One Ayala, hosted the seminar to promote the Philippines as a retirement haven among the American business community and Filipino community leaders, with particular emphasis on the business and investment opportunities in retirement services and facilities.

Top officials and executives from the Consulate General, the Philippine Retirement Authority (PRA), the Social Security System (SSS), US Social Security Administration (SSA), and One Ayala (Ayala Corporation, Bank of the Philippine Islands, Ayala Land, El Nido Resorts) spoke at the forum.

More than 40 chief executive officers (CEO) and other officers of key business, governmental and community organizations – including members of the US-China Chamber of Commerce, Pan-Asian American Business Council and Illinois Chamber, as well from the banking, real estate, technology, energy, commodities and tourism industries and legal and accounting professions – participated in the seminar.

In her opening remarks, Consul General to Chicago Gina A. Jamoralin highlighted the dynamic and sustainable Philippine economic growth, which is now recognized as the fastest in Asia. The Philippines is also now considered a top country to invest in. She also shared a video on the accomplishments and ongoing projects in the Build, Build, Build program of President Rodrigo Duterte.

In his keynote address, PRA General Manager and CEO Atty. Bienvenido K. Chy pitched the Philippines as one of the prime retirement destinations in Asia. The goal of the PRA is to attract overseas Filipino and foreign retirees and become a home for the world – a retiree’s paradise and investor’s haven. He noted the huge potential of this sunshine industry in attracting retirees from the Midwest to the Philippines.

SSS President and CEO Aurora C. Ignacio provided an overview of the new Social Security Act of 2018 and investment opportunities in the pension fund, while Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) Senior Vice President Noel Tagaza and Ayala Land International Sales Regional Head Trina Aguas introduced the participants to the conglomerate’s range of products and services for retirees, from banking and remittances to real estate property, resorts and health facilities.

US Social Security Administration SSA (SSA) Deputy Regional Communications Director Eric Martinez discussed SSA’s Totalization Agreement with the Philippines, U.S. Social Security eligibility factors and receiving benefits outside of the U.S.

As the event is the first of its kind comprehensively promoting the Philippine retirement industry, combining the promotion of retirement facilities, services, visas, pension fund and investment instruments, the partners and participants clamored for a similar event in August next year to provide more in-depth information that could generate further business and investment outcomes.  END

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The event speakers from left: Consul General Jamoralin, PRA General Manager Chy (keynote), SSS CEO Ignacio, Mr. Tagaza, Ms. Aguas and SSA Deputy Director Martinez. (Chicago PCG photo)

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Left photo: Participants view the “Build, Build, Build” video presentation. Right photo: Participants listen intently to SSA Deputy Director Martinez. (Chicago PCG photo)

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Left photo: Johnny Johnson (center), President of Johnson Mktg & Mgmt, LLC, asks questions to SSS officials. Right photo:  Vicky Silvano (center), Asian Real Estate Association of America (AREAA) Global Ambassador to the Philippines, shares information and asks questions during the open forum. (Chicago PCG photo)

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Left photo: Consul General Jamoralin hands over a certificate of appreciation to SSA Deputy Director Martinez. Middle photo: Consul General Jamoralin (middle) discuss with SSS OIC Joy Villacorta (left) and SSA Deputy Director Martinez (right) possible ways to further enhance cooperation between SSS and SSA. Right photo: Consul Ryan Gener (right) chats with Manuel Venegas, Director of Outreach and Media Relations at the Cook County Treasurer’s Office. (Chicago PCG photo)

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SSS CEO Ignacio (seated, 5th from right) responds to a question during the open forum. (Chicago PCG photo) 

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Left photo: PRA GM Chy (middle) talks with BPI SVP Tagaza and Ms.Silvano of Baird & Warner. Top right photo: SSS CEO Ignacio (3rd from left) chats with Mr. Siva Yam and other member of the US-China Chamber of Commerce.

Bottom right photo: JP Ferrer (left), President of the International Society of Filipinos in Finance and Accounting (ISFFA), chats with (from left) Jhasfer Tenorio, Ayala Land Regional Manager; Ruben Salazar, President of the Filipino American National Historical Sociey-Greater Chicago (FANHS); and Janice Dantes, Vice President of the Filipino American Lawyers Association of Chicago (FALA-Chicago). (Chicago PCG photo)

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