PH Embassy Celebrates ASEAN Day with ASEAN Committee in Ottawa

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ASEAN Committee in Ottawa (ACO) Heads of Mission and Global Affairs Canada (GAC) Director General Ian Burchett (fourth from right) and Ambassador to Canada Petronila P. Garcia (third from right) do the ASEAN handshake. (Ottawa PE photo)

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ASEAN Committee in Ottawa (ACO) Heads of Mission, representatives from missions of ASEAN’s dialogue partners, and GAC Director General Ian Burchett (center) join for a commemorative photograph. (Ottawa PE photo)

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As ASEAN Committee in Ottawa (ACO) Chair for the second half of 2019, Indonesian Ambassador to Canada Abdul Kadir Jailani delivers a message after the flag raising ceremony emphasizing the importance of ASEAN to its member states and the bloc’s Dialogue Partners. Children of diplomats from ASEAN member states with permanent missions in Ottawa raise the ASEAN Flag while singing the ASEAN Hymn at the Indonesian Embassy in Ottawa on 08 August 2019. (Ottawa PE photo)

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