PH Local Government Officials Strengthen Linkages with Australia
Philippine Ambassador to Australia Ma. Hellen B. De La Vega (front row, third from left), met with Philippine local government officials at the Ambassador’s Residence on 12 August 2019.
The Philippine delegation is hosted by the Australia Political Exchange Council for a study tour in Australia. The delegates were (front row, from left) Philippine Center of Young Leaders in Governance’s Patricia Maute of the, Odiongan, Romblon Mayor Trina Firmalo-Fabic, Olongapo City Councilor Kaye Legaspi, (back row, from left) Puerto Galera Councilor Miko Atienza, Iloilo City Board Member Jason Gonzales, Urdaneta City Councilor Antonino P. Perez, and Manila Councilor Numero G. Lim. (Canberra PE photo)
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