ASEAN-Nairobi Committee Commemorates ASEAN Day
Ambassador to Kenya Alex G. Chua delivers his opening remarks as the ASEAN Heads of Missions and spouses look on at the Philippine Chancery. (Nairobi PE photo)
NAIROBI 02 September 2019 — Under the Philippine Chairmanship of the ASEAN-Nairobi Committee (ANC), ASEAN Heads of Mission commemorated the 52nd Founding Anniversary of ASEAN at the grounds of the Philippine Embassy in Nairobi on 09 August 2019.
The program was highlighted with the hoisting of the ASEAN flag accompanied by the singing of the ASEAN Hymn.
In his welcome remarks, Ambassador to Kenya Alex G. Chua emphasized that partnership is key to spreading knowledge about ASEAN in East Africa, and that the ANC has effectively done its part since the host country, Kenya, as well as other countries in East Africa, are slowly becoming aware of the ASEAN presence.
The luncheon that followed was graced by different and colorful traditional dishes enjoyed by the diplomats of the ASEAN Missions.
Prior to the celebration, Ambassador Chua chaired the fourth ASEAN-Nairobi Committee Meeting to discuss the progress of ANC’s projects for 2019, the highlight of which is the much-awaited 4th ASEAN Festival that will take place on 08 September 2019. This annual event aims to promote ASEAN culture through dance, music and gastronomy.
The ANC is composed of the Heads of Missions of the ASEAN countries present in Nairobi, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand. END
ASEAN family photo. The ASEAN Missions in Nairobi are Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand. (Nairobi PE photo)
Ambassador to Kenya Alex G. Chua and Mme. Marie Marla C. Chua (seventh and eighth from left, respectively) with the Philippine Embassy in Nairobi officers and staff. (Nairobi PE photo)
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