PH Embassy Conducts Mobile Consular Mission to Lesotho
Consular Assistant Dennis Punzalan processing passport applicants (Pretoria PE photo)
PRETORIA 09 August 2019 – As part of its mandate to provide consular services to Filipinos under its jurisdiction, the Philippine Embassy in Pretoria conducted a Mobile Consular Mission to Maseru, Lesotho on 02-04 August 2019.
The Consular Mission processed the renewal of 41 passports, registered births of Filipino children, as well as notarized various legal documents. Ambassador to South Africa Joseph Gerard B. Angeles likewise took time to dialogue with the Filipino community.
There are approximately 300 Filipinos in Lesotho. An organization called Proud Organizations of Filipinos in Lesotho (PROFILE) has about 220 active members. “Many Filipinos are factory workers, some of the Filipinos have risen to managerial positions, and some even own their own factories,” according to their profile.
Lesotho is geographically within South Africa and is economically integrated into the South African economy. END
Filipinos enjoying a light moment during passport application. (Pretoria PE photo)
Ambassador to South Africa Joseph Gerard Angeles (third from right) with the Officers of the Proud Organization of Filipinos in Lesotho (PROFILE) (Pretoria PE photo)
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