PH Air Force Officials Calls on PH Consul General


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Lieutenant Colonel Thorsten Ajello P. Bautista and Major Harold M. Caranguian (second and rightmost, respectively) brief Consul General to Honolulu Joselito Jimeno (third from right) and the Philippine Consulate General in Honolulu officers. (Honolulu PE photo)


HONOLULU 02 September 2019 — Philippine Air Force (PAF) officials attending the Indo-Pacific Safety Air Forces Exchange (ISAFE) from 18 to 24 August 2019 in Honolulu, Hawaii called on Consul General to Honolulu Joselito A. Jimeno at the Philippine Consulate General in Honolulu on 19 August 2019.

The PAF officers included Lieutenant Colonel (Ltc.) Thorsten Ajello P. Bautista and Major Harold M. Caranguian.

Consul General Jimeno welcomed the officers to the Consulate General and encouraged them do well during their training. The officers also took the opportunity to update the Consul General on ongoing efforts to modernize the PAF.

Formerly known as the Asia-Pacific Aviation Safety Symposium (APASS), the ISAFE 2019 is a weeklong forum to discuss a wide range of aviation safety issues, and share aviation safety concepts, tools, and techniques.  The Exchange aims to facilitate trust, cooperation and interoperability in an effort to improve aviation safety standards amongst Indo-Asia-Pacific nations.  Aside from the Philippines, 16 other nations sent participants to the event.

Consul Grace Anne G. Bulos, AFP Liaison Officer to the United States Indo-Pacific Command (US INDOPACOM) Colonel Joseph P. Archog and Assistant Armed Forces of the Philippines Liaison Officer Ltc. Vince James DG Bantilan accompanied Consul General Jimeno during the call. END


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Consul General Jimeno (third from right) and Consulate General officers with the Philippine Air Force officials attending the Indo-Pacific Safety Air Forces Exchange. (Honolulu PE photo)


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