Respect for Russian Law as Key to Conditions of Filipino Workers in Russia Highlighted in Kapihan sa Pasuguan
Screenshot from the live cast of the 07 July 2019 Kapihan sa Pasuguan on the Status of Filipino Workers in Russia where Philippne Ambassador to Russia Carlos D. Sorreta (main photo, center) is answering a question from one of the guests. (Moscow PE photo)
MOSCOW 10 July 2019 — The Philippine Embassy in Russia highlighted in the Kapihan sa Pasuguan sessions in July 2019 the importance of respecting the Russian law and cooperating with Russian authorities as the Philippine government aims to legalize the deployment of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs).
Philippine Ambassador to Russia Carlos D. Sorreta gave an update on the raids led by Russian law enforcement officials concerning persons with fraud visa procurement at the first Kapihan on 07 July 2019. “Filipinos who might be asked to participate in the investigation to cooperate fully and to answer questions truthfully,” he said.
The Ambassador also discussed the issue of Filipino passports that may still be in the possession of visa agents who have gone hiding, and passports that may still be in Russian authorities.
The second Kapihan, held on 14 July 2019, gave an update on the investigations. Embassy Consul General Robert Ferrer said the Russian government appreciated a number of Filipinos’ that cooperated with them during the interview. The Filipinos were not detained, in spite of not having a valid visa. They were also allowed to stay in Russia during the on-going investigation according to the memo given by authorities.
In both Kapihans, the Embassy officials once again appealed to all Filipinos in Russia to refrain from engaging in illegal recruitment and from exploiting of fellow Filipinos. They explained that current efforts to negotiate a bilateral labor agreement with Russia would be hampered by the continued increase in the number of Filipinos illegally recruited to Russia.
Embassy officials also reiterated their appeal to Filipinos to refrain from using other visa types to enter Russia for work, saying that holders of tourist, commercial and student visas are not allowed to work in Russia. They emphasized the need to only use legal means to work in Russia. The Embassy subsequently issued Advisory 49-19 on frequently asked questions on legal recruitment and Russian working visas which is on the Embassy’s Facebook Page.
Both Kapihans were shown live on Facebook allowing them to reach wider audience. The first Kapihan was held before a live audience while the second one, called an e-Kapihan, was broadcasted without a live audience. The first has reached 12,000 views while the second has over 10,000. END
Ambassador Sorreta (center) speaking at the 07 July 2019 Kapihan sa Pasuguan on the Status of Filipino Workers in Russia. Joining the Ambassador are Philippine Consul General Robert Ferrer (left) and Vice-Consul Anna Guerra (right). (V. Cara photo)
The Embassy’s live cast of its 14 July 2019 e-Kapihan sa Pasuguan on the Update on Status of Filipino Workers in Russia. The live cast was without the presence of a live audience. (G. Perpetua photo)
Screenshot from the live cast of the 14 July 2019 e-Kapihan sa Pasuguan on the Update on the Status of Filipino Workers in Russia where the panelists are answering a question from a Filipino watching the live cast on the Embassy’s Facebook Page. (Moscow PE photo)
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