26 March 2014 - In celebration of International Women’s Day, the Philippine Consulate General (PCG) in Hong Kong SAR conducted a Forum on Menopause and Cardiovascular Diseases affecting Women and Andropause on March 23 at the Consulate Public Area.
Dr. Michael Manio, a Filipino member of the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of Hong Kong University and graduate of the University of the Philippines-College of Medicine, was the forum’s guest speaker.
Dr. Manio discussed the symptoms and hormonal changes during perimenopause (or pre-menopause stage) and menopause, as well as the risks of cardiovascular diseases on women undergoing these stages. He also delved on the treatment and remedies on health complications during perimenopause and menopause.
For the benefit of the male Filipino Community members who joined in the celebration of International Women’s Day, Dr. Manio also gave a presentation on andropause or widely regarded as “male menopause”
The forum was well-received by the Filipino Community who shared their individual experiences on menopause and cardiovascular diseases during the question and answer portion. END