PH Regulatory Commission Conducts Special Licensure Examination in Qatar


Examinees accomplish their Special Philippine Licensure Examination applications to Philippine Regulatory Commission visiting representatives for documentary assessment. (POLO-Qatar photo)

DOHA 11 September 2019 — A total of 690 Filipino professionals took part in the Special Philippine Licensure Examination (SPLE) administered by the Philippine Regulatory Commission (PRC) in Qatar on 12 – 14 August 2019.

The SPLE covered 21 PRC-accredited professions, which was held simultaneously within the premises of the Philippine International School-Qatar (PISQ).  The top five professions that participated in this year’s special exams include engineering, nursing, registered master electrician, architecture, and teaching.

Unlicensed Filipino professionals in Qatar look forward to the holding of the annual PRC activity that afford them the comfort of taking their respective licensure exams in in their country of work, without the need to returning to the Philippines for the exams.

The conduct of the SPLE was made possible through the joint efforts of the the PRC, the Philippine Embassy in Doha, the Philippine Overseas Labor Office, and the Philippine Professional Organization in Qatar (PPO-Q).

The SPLE in the Middle East is conducted every year in pursuant to Presidential Executive Order No. 835 dated 06 October 2009, which directs the PRC and other concerned government agencies, through the Department of Labor and Employment and in coordination with the Philippine Embassies in the region, to conduct SPLEs in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and other Middle East countries for the benefit of qualified but unlicensed overseas Filipino workers. END

Doha SPLE 2

Ambassador to Qatar Alan L. Timbayan (fifth from left) is flanked by officials and representatives from Philippine Overseas Labor Office, the Philippine Regulatory Commission and Philippine Professional Organization in Qatar as they pose for a photo (Photo credit: Doha PE)

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