Xiamen Four-Party Mechanism Holds 13th Meeting, Tours New Town East Coast Complex

Xiamen CIFIT 

PHOTO: Consul General to Xiamen Julius Caesar A. Flores discusses Philippine participation in the China International Fair for Investment and Trade 2019 (CIFIT) and the Belt and Road Investment Congress (BRIC) held from 08 to 11 September 2019, during the 13th Meeting of the Four-Party Mechanism in Xiamen. The Four-Party Mechanism was a venue for the three Consulates General based in Xiamen and the Xiamen Foreign Affairs Office to tackle issues of mutual concern. (Xiamen PCG photo)

Xiamen Tour 1

Consul General Flores joins Xiamen Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) officials and the Consuls General of Singapore and Thailand in a tour of the New Town East Coast project – a 113-square kilometers of land and 90-square kilometers of water, Xiamen’s response to overcapacity.  The General Municipal Plan of Xiamen City (2011-2020), a “One Belt, One Road” strategy supporting point, envisions Xiamen to grow into a megapolis of five million people with focus on development electronic information, touristic culture and modern logistics. (Xiamen PCG photo)

Xiamen Tour 2

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