PH Aligns with High Commissioner Bachelet on Climate Action and on Urging Concerned States to Uphold and Protect Migrants Rights

Geneva Migrant Rights

GENEVA 17 September 2019 — Responding to the global update of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet at the opening of the 42nd Human Rights Council Session on 10 September 2019, Philippine Permanent Representative to the United Nations and Other Organizations in Geneva Ambassador Evan P. Garcia stated the country’s full alignment with the High Commissioner  in drawing the Council’s urgent attention to the challenges and threats that climate change place upon human rights and in how the Council can better contribute to an effective climate action that seeks, positive impact on the ground.

“As a core sponsor of the resolution on climate change and human rights, and as a member of the Geneva Pledge, the Philippines believes that the Council and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) could focus attention on capacitating State duty bearers to better fulfill their human rights obligations with respect to this issue and supporting constructive platforms for the government to dialogue and collaborate with national stakeholders, including industry and business and other States,” Ambassador Garcia said.

Ambassador Garcia underscored the government’s strong commitment to work with the international community on effective climate action. He cited that the Philippine Constitution guarantees the “right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature”. 

He further cited that the Supreme Court in 2010 established a landmark writ of Kalikasan which is a legal remedy to pursue and protect the citizens’ constitutional right to a healthy environment.

The Philippines shared the concern raised by the High Commissioner in her global update on regressive policies enforced by some states which have gravely harmed the rights of migrants, especially children, adolescents and their families. In this regard, the Philippines, a long-standing advocate and champion of the rights of migrants, urged the concerned states to uphold and protect the human rights of migrants, and respect their humanity and dignity under all circumstances. END

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