PH Embassy in Nairobi Visits Uganda
Philippine Embassy in Nairobi Consul General Edgar Tomas Q. Auxilian (left) meets with Philippine Honorary Consul to Kampala Abhay Agarwal (right) during the Embassy consular mission in Kampala, Uganda. (Nairobi PE photo)
NAIROBI 18 September 2019 — The Philippine Embassy in Nairobi conducted several activities in Uganda to reach out to its counterparts and the Filipino community there.
First, it conducted a Consular Mission at the Philippine Honorary Consulate in Kampala, Uganda on 01 September 2019.
The consular team, led by Consul General Edgar Tomas Q. Auxilian, processed 27 passport applications, four civil registry and four notarials. The consular mission was successfully conducted with the support of Philippine Honorary Consulate in Kampala together with the Filipino community in Uganda.
After the consular mission, the team was invited by the Filipino Foundation Uganda Ltd. (FFUL) to the Filipino basketball tournament held at the residential compound owned by a Chinese-Filipino couple from Capiz province who are long-time contractors in Uganda.
Expressing his warm regards, Consul General Auxilian emphasized the importance of keeping fit especially abroad. The Filipino community there also hosted a sumptuous dinner for the team.
A day prior to the Consular Mission, the consular team met Honorary Consul to Kampala Abhay Agarwal to discuss administrative issues and concerns as well as to learn updates on the plans and activities of the Philippine Consulate in Kampala.
During the meeting, Honorary Consul Agarwal shared with Consul General Auxillian his plans to further enhance the Philippine image in Uganda by hosting a tourism exhibit that will showcase the Philippines and promote possible business opportunities.
He also expressed his plan to attend the Ugandan proposed business council in the Philippines, to arrange a familiarization tour to the Philippines for travel agency operators in Uganda, and to make representation with the education sector in the Philippines for Ugandan students who want to study in the Philippines, which he hopes are going to materialize. END
Passport applicants avails services from the mobile consular mission in Kampala, Uganda. (Nairobi PE photo)
Officers and members of the Filipino Foundation Uganda Ltd. together with the Embassy consular team. (Nairobi PE photo)
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