PH Consulate General in Chicago Conducts Preparatory Meeting for Upcoming Events

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Consul General to Chicago Gina A. Jamoralin (first row, fourth from left) poses with the Philippine Consulate General  in Chicago officers and staff and Filipino community organizations leaders during the secondmeeting of Paskuhansa Chicago (Jason Dela Rosa photo)

CHICAGO 02 October 2019 — The Philippine Consulate General in Chicago gathered leaders of the Filipino community organizations at the Elston Place Market Mix Community Center on 07 September 2019 to discuss the preparations for the upcoming big events of the year such as Filipino American History Month (FAHM) in October and the Paskuhan sa Chicago in December.

For the FAHM in October, Philippine American Cultural Foundation (PACF) president Ruben Salazarled the discussion on the schedule of events, which will have a kickoff at the Alliance Française de Chicago on 03 October 2019. The invitation of Filipino community organizations to attend the kickoff ceremony where a film showing of “Signal Rock” following the short program and reception was also discussed.

Following the first meeting of the committee on 17 August 2019 chaired by Consul General Gina A. Jamoralin, wherein Filipino Young Leaders Program (FYLPRO) representative Jan Paul Ferrer was elected as Vice Chair and other organizations were also nominated to the various committees, the meeting for Paskuhan sa Chicago, which is slated to take place on on 14 December 2019, continued the discussions on committee assignments, tentative program, venue and food, Simbang Gabi, and parol-making and parade. The meeting was co-chaired by Consul Ryan Francis Gener and Mr. Ferrer. END

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Vice Chair Jan Paul Ferrer (left) with the different Filipino community organizations during the second preparatory meeting for Paskuhan sa Chicago. (Jason Dela Rosa photo)

For more information, visit,https://www.chicagopcg.comor