Livingstone Christian College Young Leaders Call on PH Ambassador

Canberra PE Livingstone Christian College Young Leaders call on PH Ambassador 01

Year 10 students Harry Lund, Chailyn Macfarlane and Seth Vowell from Livingstone Christian College withprincipal Dr. Mark Laraghy (second from left) and Head of Development Amanda Roberts (rightmost) call on thePhilippine Ambassador to AustraliaHellen B. De La Vega (center). (Canberra PE photo)

CANBERRA 04 October 2019 – Ambassador to Australia Hellen B. De La Vega welcomed Livingstone Christian College Year 10 students at the Philippine Embassy in Canberra and shared with them the long-standing and dynamic partnership between the Philippines and Australia on 12 September 2019.

The students, namely Harry Lund, Chailyn Macfarlane, and Seth Vowell, visited Canberra from Queensland as part of a leadership training.

In Canberra, they met the Prime Minister and other Cabinet ministers and witnessed Question Time at Parliament. They also engaged Ambassador De La Vega in a discussion on her role as a diplomat and the importance of Australia’s relationship with Asia.

Livingstone Christian College has a Building Relationships through Intercultural Dialogue and Growing Engagement (BRIDGE) School Partnership with Negros Occidental High School.

Livingstone Christian College Principal Dr. Mark Laraghy remarked how impressed they are with their counterparts in Negros Occidental High School particularly on teacher improvement and said that both schools are committed to move the partnership forward. END

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