PH Consulate General in Honolulu Conducts Economic Briefing

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The participants during the “Panel Discussion on the Nuts & Bolts of Doing Business in the Philippines” on 18 September 2019 at the Pacific Club. (Honolulu PCG photo)

HONOLULU 08 October 2019 – The Philippine Consulate General in Honolulu provided an economic briefing during the “Panel Discussion on the Nuts & Bolts of Doing Business in the Philippines” organized by the Filipino Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii (FCCH) on 18 September 2019 at the Pacific Club.

Consulate General Vice Consul and Economic Officer Andrea Christina Caymo shared information regarding the developments happening in the Philippines, focusing on the policy reforms and infrastructure projects that are helping spur investment growth and inclusive economic development.

Vice Consul Caymo was joined by four other panelists who shared their experience and insights regarding doing business in the Philippines.

Dante Aragon, who has over 20 years of experience in energy management, design and development, and facility operations, gave insights on market demand for renewable energy sources, new technology to minimize carbon footprint, and other environmentally-responsible initiatives that may be viable in the Philippines.

Melody Calisay, an importer of dried goods from the Philippines, shared insights on opportunities and challenges in providing food items sought by the large Filipino community in Hawaii.

Meanwhile, Jeoffrey Cudiamat narrated his experience in outsourcing and eventually establishing a business in the country. Mr. Cudiamat is the Chief Excutive Officer (CEO) of Structural Hawaii, an architectural, structural, and civil engineering design and consulting firm.

Lastly, Atty. Rhoda Yabes Alvarez, an accredited attorney both in the Philippines and Hawaii, provided some legal context of doing business in the Philippines and implications for dual citizens and retirees pursuing investment opportunities in the Philippines.

At the end of the panel discussion, FCCH president Dr. Nancy Walch and Trade Mission Chair Paul Alimbuyao invited the attendees to join the upcoming FCCH Trade Mission to the Philippines in partnership with the Consulate General and Hawaii state. The inbound mission shall take place from 12-22 October 2019.

Participants to the trade mission will attend a two-day Business Conference, which features a series of lectures on the country’s economic prospects, how to set-up business, and investment opportunities available for residents and non-resident Filipinos and/or foreigners.

The Consulate General also arranged site visits to manufacturing and IT-BPO companies located inside Clark Freeport and Special Economic Zone. Guests will also have the opportunity to view possible products for export to Hawaii at Manila FAME and at the Ilocos Sur and Ilocos Norte Trade Show. END

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Philippine Consulate General in Honolulu Vice Consul Andrea Christina Caymo shares the economic prospects of the Philippines. (Honolulu PCG photo)

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From left: Principal Engineer of EMCC Mr. Dante Aragon, owner of East West Marketing Inc. Melody Calisay, Chief Executive Officer of Structural Hawaii Inc. Jeoffrey Cudiamat, and Atty. Rhoda Yabes-Alvarez. (Honolulu PCG photo)

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Attendees of the panel discussion. (Honolulu PCG photo)

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