PH Embassy in Oslo Joins ‘ASEAN Family Day’
PHOTO: The Philippine Embassy in Oslo joined the ASEAN Committee in Oslo (ACO) Family Day on 14 September 2019 at the Royal Thai Embassy in Norway.
The ACO aims to strengthen camaraderie and solidarity among ASEAN diplomats and their families in Norway through regular events such as the ASEAN Family Day, in addition to the monthly substantive meetings of the ACO.
Personnel from each of the five ASEAN embassies in Norway – Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam – and their families were treated to native delicacies prepared by embassies. Attendees also enjoyed belting out their favorite songs during an open-mic karaoke session. (Oslo PE photo)
Myanmar Ambassador to Norway and ASEAN Committee Chair in Oslo Daw Maw Maw (rightmost) delivers her welcome remarks during the event. (Oslo PE photo)
Filipino delicacies, such as adobo flakes (left photo) and cassava cake (right photo), were promoted alongside other Southeast Asian dishes during the event. (Oslo PE photo)
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