PH Ambassador to Austria Shares PH Nuclear Law Journey at IAEA’s Legal Assistance Programme

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Ambassador to Austia Maria Cleofe Natividad shares the Philippines’ experience with the

Legislative Assistance Programme of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Legislative Assistance on the margins of the 63rd IAEA General Conference. (Vienna PE photo)

VIENNA 15 October 2019 – Ambassador to Austria Maria Cleofe R. Natividad shared the Philippines’ nuclear law journey in a panel discussion on the Legislative Assistance Programme of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on 19 September 2019.

Representatives from Bolivia, Mauritius, Niger and Serbia joined Ambassador Natividad in sharing their countries’ experiences with the IAEA’s Legislative Assistance Programme, which aims to support member states in developing and maintaining national legal frameworks for the safe, secure and peaceful use of nuclear technology.

During her presentation, Ambassador Natividad touched on the following five points:

Nuclear technology in the Philippines has two tracks: First, non-power nuclear science and applications under the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI). Second, nuclear power/energy under the Department of Energy (DOE); Philippine nuclear law needs to address both its structural and capacity gaps; The IAEA’s Legal Assistance Programme has facilitated high-level visits, workshops, seminars and expert missions for Filipino lawmakers, policy-makers and nuclear practitioners; The IAEA’s Legal Assistance Programme has helped build the capacity of Filipino lawmakers, policy-makers and nuclear practitioners in understanding the nature, scope and elements of nuclear legislation, to assist them in drafting and revising the Philippines’ nuclear laws; Revised draft laws are currently under consideration in the Philippines, with the PNRI and DOE taking separate tracks. In this regard, there is a need for the development of a comprehensive national policy on nuclear issues, based on a multisectoral approach.

Organized by the IAEA Office of Legal Affairs and the Department of Technical Cooperation on the margins of the 63rd General Conference, Ambassador Natividad also expressed her appreciation to the IAEA’s Legislative Assistance Programme for tailoring its programs to address the unique needs and circumstances of its member states. END

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Ongoing discussion about Legislative Assistance Programme of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). (Vienna PE photo)

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