UP Rondalla Music Highlights Filipino-American History Month in Hawaii

Honolulu PCG Filipino American History Month 01

Deputy Consul General Angelica C. Escalona (fifth from left) shows support for the UP Rondalla at its performance and lecture at the Kuykendall Hall of the University of Hawaii Manoa on 04 October 2019. (Honolulu PCG photo)

HONOLULU 17 October 2019 – In celebration of this year’s Filipino-American History Month, the University of the Philippines (UP) Rondalla visited Hawaii from 03 to 07 October 2019.

The Philippine Consulate General in Honolulu, University of the Philippines (UP), National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA), Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR), in partnership with the University of the Philippines Alumni Association in Hawaii (UPAAH), collaborated to bring the group to Hawaii to showcase rondalla music.

A rondalla is an ensemble of stringed instruments. Originating from medieval Spain, the word ‘rondalla’ comes from the Spanish term ronda, which means "serenade."  Spain introduced the rondalla to the Philippines in the 15th century. Stringed instruments composing the standard Filipino rondalla are the bandurria, the laúd, the octavina, the  guitar, and the double bass.

While in Honolulu, the UP Rondalla called on Consul General to Honolulu Joselito Jimeno, and conducted lectures and workshops at the University of Hawaii, East-West Center, and Filipino Community Center.  The group also had a TV guest appearance on KITV-4’s Good Morning Hawaii Weekends and was guest performer at the Bayanihan Fundraiser of the Filipino Community Center.  Their free concerts at the Ala Moana Center Stage, Honolulu Central Seventh-Day Adventist Church and Farrington High School Auditorium were well-attended and received. The group’s repertoire included Philippine folk songs, kundiman or love songs, classical music as well as contemporary music.  During their concert in Farrington High School, the UP Rondalla performed with the Farrington Orchestra led by Dr. Karen Miyamoto, delighting the audience with their joint rendition of a medley of Philippine folk songs. 

The UP Rondalla is composed of Artistic Director Dr. Marie Jocelyn Marfil, Musical Director Prof. Elaine Juliet Espejo, and members Prof. Solaiman Jamisolamin, Ms. Roda Ladringan, Mr. John Leonard Burdeos, Ms. Mariefrance Ballester, Ms. Jory Jan Delgaco, Mr. Prince John Barnal, and Mr. Chick Ramas. END

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The UP Rondalla conducts a lecture and workshop on the basic techniques of playing the rondalla and dancing the tinikling for Music Education teachers and students of the University of Hawaii – Manoa. (Hawaii Orff Schulwerk Association photo)

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The UP Rondalla performs at the Ala Moana Center Stage located at the largest shopping mall in Hawaii. (Honolulu PCG photo)

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