PH-Germany Healthcare Cooperation Discussed at European Health Congress 2019

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Ambassador to Germany Ma. Theresa Dizon-De Vega delivers a presentation on the Philippine-German Healthcare Cooperation. (Berlin PE photo)

BERLIN 21 October 2019 — Ambassador to Germany Ma. Theresa Dizon-De Vega delivered a presentation on Philippine-Germany Healthcare Cooperation at the European Health Congress on 27 September 2019 at the Hilton Hotel Munich.

Outlining the history of the entry of Filipino nursing and other healthcare-related fields professionals to Germany starting in the late 1960s, Ambassador Dizon-De Vega discussed the various opportunities and challenges in the implementation of a truly beneficial healthcare cooperation arrangement between the Philippines and Germany.

The focus of the presentation is the ongoing implementation of the Triple Win Healthcare Placement Program between the two countries, which seeks to benefit the professionals' source countries, the destination country, and the healthcare professionals themselves with access to advanced training and technology.

Mechanisms to further improve the landmark Triple Win Agreement signed in 2013 were likewise presented and discussed during the Panel Discussion at the European Health Conference.

Nurse Reyna Java, a Filipina, originally from Iloilo, also spoke briefly about her experiences as one of the nursing professionals who entered Germany under the healthcare cooperation program. She acknowledged that the most significant challenge was achieving proficiency in the German Language at a technical level but stated that it could be done with commitment and diligence.

The European Health Congress with over 1,000 delegates brings together experts and resource persons in various health-related fields such as Medical Technology, health professions, academe, researches, public health advocates, among others, to discuss the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in healthcare in Europe.

While in Munich, Ambassador Dizon-De Vega also met with Munich Health officials led by Director for Health and Environment Dr. Rudolf Fuchs. END

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Filipino nurse Reyna Java talks about her experiences as a professional in Germany. (Berlin PE photo)

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Ambassador to Germany Dizon-De Vega (rightmost) meets with Munich Director for Health and Environment Rudolf Fuchs (leftmost). (Berlin PE photo)

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