PH Co-Chairs Preparatory Group of UNESCO Executive Board

Paris PE UNESCO Executive Board 01 

Philippine Deputy Permanent Delegate Jesus Enrique Garcia II (second from left) co-chairs the Preparatory Group of UNESCO Executive Board. (Paris PE photo)

PARIS 11 October 2019 — The Philippines co-chaired the final meeting of the Preparatory Group of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Executive Board for the 2018-2019 biennium on 24-25 September 2019 at UNESCO Headquarters here.

The Preparatory Group meeting was held before the regular sessions of the Executive Board, taking up key issues to promote inclusive and efficient preparation and effective decision-making of the Board. 

The Group discussed UNESCO’s next program and budget 2020-2021, a proposed UNESCO instrument on open science, the strategic transformation of the organization, the evaluation of the Internal Oversight Service, and the new items being proposed by Member States for the upcoming session of the Executive Board in October 2019. 

Philippine Deputy Permanent Delegate to UNESCO Jesus Enrique Garcia served as Vice President and Ambassador Denise Houphouet-Boigny of Cote d’Ivoire as President of the Preparatory Group. 

The Preparatory Group is open to all 193 Member States of UNESCO. Its re-establishment in 2017 was a product of the governance reform spearheaded by the Philippines and other like-minded delegations. END

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