PH Participates in ‘Interculturality’ Celebration in Vienna

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Ambassador to Austria Maria Cleofe R. Natividad addresses the art crowd and underlines the importance of art. (Vienna PE photo)

VIENNA 11 October 2019 – The Philippines took center stage at the second International Cultural Diversity Organization’s (ICDO) Long Nights of Interculturality, which ran from 01 to 06 September 2019.

Nominated Filipino artist Norlito Meimban was invited to be part of a selected group of 12 artists from around the globe to be featured at ICDO art exhibit entitled, “Arts Speaks Diversity,” at the Yunus Emre Institute.

Meimban’s use of augmented reality – merging old-school art with innovative technology impressed the ICDO screening committee.

Ambassador to Austria Maria Cleofe R. Natividad delivered her remarks at the opening of the art exhibit on 03 September 2019. She mentioned the evolving nature of art and the receptivity of the artists regarding this, citing Meimban as an artist who has fully embraced and adapted technology into his work.  

The Philippines active participation was also evident with the involvement of the Vienna International Center (VIC) Club Filipino, the Philippine Association of Nurses in Austria (PNAA), and the European Network in Diaspora (ENFiD) Vienna Chapter’s cultural performance which featured dances from Northern and Southern Philippines during the opening ceremony of ICDO’s program.

The ICDO, albeit a young organization, has already made strides in its thrust for inclusion amidst diversity. It is the Embassy’s partner and supporter in promoting the Philippines’ arts and culture in Austria and neighboring countries. END

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Some of the performances featured during the opening of ICDO's Long Nights of Interculturality, at Vienna’s Rathaus. (Vienna PE photo)

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