PH Indigenous Peoples Share Experiences in the Heart of the European Union
Representatives of various tribes from Southern Philippines engage stakeholders in Belgium about their harrowing experiences on how the communist rebels took hold of their ancestral domain and indoctrinated their people. The event was held at the Institute for East Asian Studies (IEAS). (Brussels PE photo)
BRUSSELS 11 October 2019 – A delegation of Indigenous Peoples (IP) of the Philippines visited Brussels on 18-24 September 2019 to share their stories of hardship and suppression at the hands of the Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People’s Army (CPP-NPA).
On 19 September 2019, the IP Delegation addressed a public event co-organized by the European Institute of Asian Studies (EIAS), a Brussels-based think tank. Over 40 representatives from media, consulting firms, EU Institutions, and the diplomatic corps attended the event. Many of the attendees voiced their support for the IP Delegation as they broke the silence on their plight.
The IP Delegation then met with around 60 members of the Filipino Community in Belgium on 20 September 2019. In addition to informing their overseas countrymen of the 17 atrocities committed by the CPP-NPA on IPs in the Philippines, they also shared part of their culture and traditions during the gathering.
The IP Delegation also had separate meetings with the European External Action Service (EEAS), the European Commission, the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the European Parliament (EP) during their stay.
The Vice-Chair of the EP Subcommittee on Human Rights and member of European Parliament (MEP) Isabel Wiseler-Lima warmly received the IP delegation on 23 September 2019.With the extensive discussion on various IP issues, Wiseler-Lima offered to take into account their concerns and experiences as the EP prepares a report on the situation of IPs all over the world.
“The Philippine Government has been engaging officials in Europe and our local Filipino communities regarding how our Indigenous Peoples have been victimized by the CPP-NPA-NDF in the latter’s desire to bring down the State. But now, it is the representatives of these IP groups themselves who have come to share their very personal stories of woe, and we are glad that they met with a receptive audience here. Anyone who hears them cannot doubt the truth of the heartfelt words they expressed and the powerful emotions they displayed,” Ambassador de Vega told reporters. END
Ambassador to Belgium Eduardo José A. de Vega (first row, fourth from left), Embassy personnel, Filipino community leaders and Belgian guests join Indigenous Peoples Representatives in a souvenir photo at the Embassy Bulwagan ng Mga Pangulo during their meeting on 21 September 2019. (Brussels PE photo)
Ambassador to Belgium Eduardo José A. de Vega, members of the Filipino community, and Belgian friends of the Philippines join the Indigenous Peoples from Southern Philippines in a tribal dance after their meeting held at the Embassy on 21 September 2019. (Brussels PE photo)
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