PH Embassy in Bangladesh Holds Appreciation Program for FilCom in Sri Lanka

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Ambassador to Bangladesh Vicente Vivencio T. Bandillo conferring a plaque of appreciation to Atty. Florence Roshanthi de Me. (Dhaka PE photo)

DHAKA 14 October 2019 — The Philippine Embassy in Bangladesh, with concurrent jurisdiction over Sri Lanka, awarded plaques of appreciation to seven individuals for their contribution to the Assistance-to-Nationals (ATN) functions of the Embassy from 2014 to 2019 at Hilton Colombo Residence in Sri Lanka on 28 September 2019.

The awardees include Zeny V. Gadut, Ma. Florian C. Abrecea, Lorna Hettiaratchy, Jocelyn Joy Srikantha, Alona R. Liyanage, Virginia Pereea, who were all Filipinos, and Atty. Florence Roshanthi de Mel, a Sri Lankan national. They were recognized for their service in sourcing repatriation fund for urgent cases, serving as translator in court hearings giving pro-bono legal service, assisting Filipinos in Sri Lanka, and providing support to the Embassy and Consulate’s activities.  The Embassy also conferrred certificates of appreciation to the staff of the Philippine Consulate in Sri Lanka.

In the same event, the Embassy conducted the first briefing on consular and ATN matters with the Filipino Community in Sri Lanka led by Third Secretary and Vice Consul Leo Marco C. Vidal, Assistance-To-Nationals Officer and Attaché Joany G. Margallo-Lucas, and Consulate in Sri Lanka Chief-of-Staff Nalin Perera.

In addition to addressing queries on authentication of employment documents and proper filing of cases and complaint, especially on domestic cases, the Embassy also discussed the newly implemented health policy of Sri Lanka for resident visa applicants. END

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Ambassador to Bangladesh Vicente Vivencio T. Bandillo (left), with Honorary Consul Sriyal Dissanayake (second from right) and Vice Consul Leo Marco C. Vidal (first from right), conferring a certificate of appreciation to Philippine Consulate Staff in Sri Lanka Ms.Vasana. (Dhaka PE photo)

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Briefing on consular and ATN matters by Philippine Consulate in Sri Lanka Chief-of-Staff Nalin Perera. (Dhaka PE photo)

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