PH House of Representatives Hosts the Study Visit of Kenyan National Assembly



Philippine House of Representative Secretary General Jose Luis Montales (center) receives Ahmad Kadhi (fifth from right) and the members of the Kenyan National Assembly. (Nairobi PE photo)


NAIROBI 20 November 2019 — The Philippine Embassy in Nairobi facilitated a successful study visit of the Kenyan National Assembly at the Philippine House of Representatives in Batasang Pambansa Complex, Quezon City on 23 October 2019.

Secretary General of the House of Representatives Attorney Jose Luis Montales received the Kenyan Delegation and discussed with them the essence of the House of Representatives as an integral Philippine institution and its interlinkages in the society.

The study visit focused on the parliamentary practice and procedures, management of parliamentary committees, enhancing the role of parliament, and effective tools for parliamentary oversight, among others.

Head of the Agriculture Committee Secretariat of the Kenyan National Assembly and Head of the Kenyan Delegation Ahmad Kadhi expressed his sincere appreciation for the knowledge the House of Representatives imparted to them. “We are really happy and impressed. We had fruitful deliberations, we did not want to stop discussions,” he said.

The Kenyan Delegation is composed of Mr. Kadhi Ahmad Abdulaziz, Ms. Koskei Emily Tracy Chebet, Ms. Aaron Chelangat Tungo, Ms. Wanjohi Rose Muringo, Mr. Johnston Mulaki Kioko, Ms. Esther Waithera Nginyo,  Mr. Erick Mokaya Nyambati, Ms. Hellen Lokwang, and Ms. Masiyoi Kina Hellen. They are heads of secretariat and lead clerks, with their respective committees.

Charge d’ Affaires, a.i. Edgar Tomas “Gary” Q. Auxialian stated the Philippine Embassy in Nairobi is pleased to assist the delegation from the Kenyan National Assembly in the spirit of South-South cooperation especially as it builds bonds of friendship and establish commonalities which would further enhance Philippines-Kenya relations. END



Head of Kenyan Delegation Ahmad Kadhi with a representative of the House of Representatives. (Nairobi PE photo)


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