PH Consulate General in Calgary Launches 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women



Consul General to Calgary Zaldy Patron (seventh from left, front row) with the members of the Filipino community and the officers and staff of the Consulate General in Calgary at the early launch of the 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women during the Kapihan sa Konsulado on 23 November 2019. (Calgary PCG photo)


CALGARY 13 December 2019 — As part of the Gender and Development program, the Consulate General in Calgary launched an 18-day Campaign to End Violence Against Women (VAW) on 23 November 2019. The Campaign was held during the Kapihan sa Konsulado which was hosted by Consul General Zaldy Patron for Filipino community leaders in Alberta.

The 18-Day Campaign adopts the theme “VAW-free community starts with Me,” which presents an ideal picture of a VAW-free community and calls on everyone to contribute in ending VAW. The campaign inspires the general public to make a personal commitment to end violence against women and children. Likewise, it highlights the need for primary prevention to reduce incidents of VAW across the Philippines, which can be achieved by empowering individuals to know and claim their rights and by educating them on where to seek help in cases of violence.

The recitation of the commitment to end VAW was led by Dolly Castillo of Babae: Council of Filipina-Canadian Women and Clem Tigley of the Philippine Cultural Center Foundation took the lead the male and female participants.

Consul General Patron explained that Filipino women victims of violence could report their situation to the local police, the Consulate General, and other concerned government agencies in Alberta and Saskatchewan. They can also approach not-for-profit organizations in the two provinces offering various social services for victims of violence. He encouraged the participants to do their part in enhancing awareness about the campaign.

On 25 November 2019, the ceremony marked the official start of the campaign, which will run until 12 December 2019. The Consulate personnel recited their own commitment to end VAW. The Philippine Commission on Women’s short films from the series entitled, “VAW: The Unspoken Words” were also shown at the waiting area to educate the consular applicants about the campaign.

The Consulate General advises the Filipino women in Alberta and Saskatchewan who are victims of violence to call 911 if they are on immediate danger. They may also contact any of the following to seek various forms of assistance:

Alberta Government’s Family Violence Info Line at tel. no. 310-1818.

Family Service Saskatoon Inc. at tel. no. 1-888-338-0880

Family Service Regina Inc. at tel. no.  306-757-6675

Philippine Consulate General’s Assistance-to-Nationals (ATN) Unit at mobile no.: 587-577-1524 or email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. END



Consul General Zaldy Patron (center) leads the reciting of what government employees can do to become staunch advocates against violence against women and children on 25 November 2019. (Calgary PCH photo)



Consulate General in Calgary applicants wear their free End-VAW campaign buttons after they signed up to receive more information materials about the campaign on 25 November 2019. (Calgary PCH photo)


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