PH Embassy in Nairobi Meets Jollibee Food Corporation Founder


NairobiJollibee1Philippine Ambassador to Kenya Alex G. Chua (fifth from right) meets with Mr. Tony Tan Caktiong of Jollibee Foods Corporation (middle) during the meeting arranged by Mr. German Vegarra (third from left) last 01 December 2019. (Nairobi PE photo)


NAIROBI 23 December 2019 –– Philippine Ambassador to Kenya Alex G. Chua met with Mr. Tony Tan Caktiong of Jollibee Foods Corporation to discuss possibility of opening business in Kenya on 01 December 2019.

Mr. Caktiong visited Kenya recently to explore business and investment opportunities in Kenya and East Africa. He was accompanied by his assistant, Mr. Don Alexander C. Lim and Ms. Kate Lim, as well as by the President of Wills International Sales Corp. William Chua C.K.

Ambassador Chua was accompanied during the meeting by Madam Marla Chua and Minister and Consul General Edgar Tomas Q. Auxilian.

The meeting was arranged by Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Tiserin Capital based in Kenya German A. Vegarra. Mr. Caktiong had the opportunity to also visit, meet, and discuss ideas with a number of CEO and directors of food and other companies in Kenya. END


NairobiJollibee2Philippine Ambassador to Kenya Alex G. Chua (fifth from left), accompanied by Madam Marla Chua and Minister and Consul General Gary Auxilian pose for a group photo with Mr. Tony Tan Caktiong (third from left) during the meeting last 01 December 2019. The meeting was arranged by Mr. German Vegarra (second from left) of Tiserin Capital. (Nairobi PE photo)


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