PH Embassy Visit Filipinos Near Frontline in Tripoli
PHOTO: Chargé d’Affaires Elmer G. Cato and Assistance-to-Nationals Officer Francis Enaje of the Philippine Embassy in Libya talk to members of the Filipino Community staying in a building in a neighborhood in Tripoli that was subjected to a rocket attack to convince them to relocate to safer ground. The Embassy has also appealed to Filipinos in areas where fighting has been taking place since April to seriously consider repatriating their children to the Philippines. (Maria Marnisa Ty photo)
Chargé d’Affaires Elmer G. Cato of the Philippine Embassy in Libya listens to Filipino nurses working at a hospital in a neighborhood in Tripoli that was subjected to a rocket attack to see how they are doing. The Embassy has appealed to Filipinos in areas where fighting has been taking place since April to relocate to safer areas to avoid getting caught in the crossfire. (Maria Marnisa Ty photo)
Chargé d’Affaires Elmer G. Cato and Assistance to Nationals Officer Francis Enaje of the Philippine Embassy in Libya talk to Filipino nurses working at a hospital in a neighborhood of Tripoli near where fighting has been taking place to check how they are doing. The Embassy has appealed to Filipinos near the frontlines of the current conflict in Tripoli to relocate to safer areas to avoid getting caught in the crossfire. (Maria Marnisa Ty photo)
Chargé d’Affaires Elmer G. Cato and Assistance to Nationals Officer Francis Enaje of the Philippine Embassy in Libya talk to teachers at the Philippine Cooperative Academy of Libya to check how they are doing in the wake of an escalation of fighting near the school. The Embassy has appealed to Filipinos near the frontlines of the current conflict in Tripoli to relocate to safer areas to avoid getting caught in the crossfire. (Maria Marnisa Ty photo)
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