First Philippine and Ethiopia Consultations Concludes with Fruitful Exchanges

PH Ethiopia

PHOTO: Foreign Affairs Office of Middle East and African Affairs Assistant Secretary Leslie J. Baja and Ethiopia MFA Director General Dawit Yirga, exchange tokens of appreciation following the successful conclusion of the first Philippine – Ethiopia Bilateral Consultative Meeting (BCM).

The Philippines and Ethiopia concluded the first ever Bilateral Consultative Meeting on 22 November 2019, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The Philippine delegation, led by Assistant Secretary Leslie J. Baja and his Ethiopian counterpart, Asia and Pacific Countries Affairs Director-General, Dawit Yirga, discussed a whole range of political, economic and other bilateral issues, as well as exchanged views on a range issues of mutual concern between the Philippines and Ethiopia. During the meeting, the Philippines expressed the hope that ties between the countries will steadily increase, with the opening of a Philippine Embassy in Addis Ababa by the end of 2020. (Cairo PE photo)

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Foreign Affairs Assistant Secretary Leslie J. Baja (second from left) and Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Markos Tekle (second from right) pose with members of the Philippine delegation, Philippine Ambassador to Egypt Sulpicio Confiado (1st from right) non-resident Ambassador to Ethiopia (based in Egypt) and DFA-OMEAA Director Victorio Dimagiba Jr. (first from left). (Cairo PE photo)

The Philippine delegation also met with representatives of Ethiopian Airlines as well as the Ethiopian Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Markos Tekle, wherein they exchanged views on a range of issues. (Cairo PE photo)


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