BGen. Madriaga: PH Gov’t Fully Respects International Humanitraian Law, Human Rights

BGen Madriaga 1Chief of the Office of the Strategic Studies and Strategy Management of the Armed Forces of the Philippines Brigadier General Ignacio B. Madriaga speaks about the best practices of the Philippines on the implementation of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) at a side event at the 33rd International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent on 11 December 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland. (Geneva PE photo)

GENEVA 17 January 2020 –– The Philippines fully respects International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and Human Rights. This is what the Philippine Government stressed at the 33rd International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (33rd IC), where it shared some of the best practices of the Philippines on IHL.

“The Philippines is a democratic country that ensure that everyone’s human rights is assured and protected and that the Armed Forces of the Philippines is a staunch advocate of human rights", Chief of the Office of the Strategic Studies and Strategy Management of the Armed Forces of the Philippines Brigadier General Ignacio B. Madriaga said in a panel discussion at the side event entitled “IHL-A Long Conversation” on 11 December 2019 at the International Conference Center of Geneva (CICG) in Switzerland.

BGen. Madriaga said that the country has the Commission on Human Rights, which is an independent body that acts a watchdog that ensures that the government and security forces always observe and respect the human rights of everyone in their security operations. He added that the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) has also made IHL, Human Rights and the Rule of Law as an integral part of all training and of the professional military educational curriculum while all trainings in the AFP have a module on IHL and human rights.

Bgen. Madriaga is a member of the Philippine Delegation to the 33rd IC, which is a global gathering every four years of governments and National Societies to discuss common humanitarian issues. The 33rd IC was held from 09 to 12 December 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland. END

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