PH Embassy in Rome “Adopts” Italian High School Class for Diplomacy Education Program

HS Class Rome 1

Philippine Ambassador to Italy Domingo Nolasco conveys to the students of Istituto Turistico Einaudi the importance of engaging local youth in the Embassy’s cultural diplomacy work. The Philippine Embassy in Rome visited the local high school on 10 December 2019 as part of the Diplomacy Education Program by Italian non-profit organization Global Action. (Rome PE photo) 

ROME 10 December 2019 –– The Philippine Embassy in Rome “adopted” a class of Italian students as it participated in the Diplomacy Education program by Italian non-profit organization Global Action.

On 10 December 2019, the Embassy visited its partner school Istituto Turistico Einaudi and met participating students to give an overview of the Philippines’ history, government, economy, and foreign policy.

The visit is part of program to prepare the students for a model United Nations simulations at the World Food Programme in 2020. The school Istituto Turistico Einaudi students will represent the Philippines. A total of 15 high school students participated in the activity, five of whom are Filipinos.

In his remarks, Philippine Ambassador to Italy Domingo Nolasco conveyed the importance of engaging young Italians and Filipino-Italians. “Through creating links with you, we are able to strengthen mutual understanding between our countries, especially as you all grow up,” he said. END

HS Class Rome 2

Third Secretary Theodore Andrei Bauzon gives a presentation on the Philippines and the country’s history, culture, government, and economy, to high school students at the Istituto Turistico Einaudi on 10 December 2019. The lecture is part of the Embassy’s participation in the Diplomacy Education of the non-profit organization Global Action. (Rome PE photo)

HS Class Rome 3

Philippine Ambassador to Italy Domingo Nolasco (third from right) with the students of Istituto Turistico Einaudi. The Philippine Embassy in Rome conducted a lecture on the Philippines for the first step of the Diplomacy Education of the Italian non-profit organization Global Action held on 10 December 2019. (Rome PE photo)

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