PH Consul General to Toronto Calls on the Archbishop of Toronto
From left: Toronto Catholic District School Board Trustee Filipino-Canadian Garry Tanuan, Cardinal Collins, Consul General Castro, and Reverend Mark Kolosowski at the Archdiocese of Toronto Catholic Pastoral Centre. (Toronto PCG photo)
TORONTO 17 December 2019 –– Philippine Consul General to Toronto Orontes V. Castro called on the chief shepherd of the Catholic faith in Toronto, the Archbishop of Toronto, His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins on 12 December 2019.
Consul General Castro was accompanied at the visit by Filipino-Canadian Trustee at the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) Garry Tanuan, who also arranged the call on the Cardinal.
During the call, Consul General Castro informed the Archbishop about the 2021 Quincentennial Commemorations in the Philippines, as well as the celebrations to be organized by the Consulate, along with the Filipino community, to mark the 500 years anniversary of the colonization of the Philippines and the introduction of Christianity in the country.
The Catholic Church will be celebrating the historic event of the Spaniards’ arrival in 1521. The church’s celebration for 2021 will focus on the start of 500 years of Christian evangelization. In the words of Messenger Joseph Tan of the Archdiocese of Cebu, “What we are celebrating is not the colonization of our country but that, despite the dark times in history, the light of faith has come to our land.”
Cardinal Collins conveyed his continuing fraternal support to the Filipinos within the Archdiocese, as well as his participation, in whatever he can, on the religious activities related to the Philippines’ Quincentennial Celebration. END
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