PH Consulate General in Chicago Joins the 78th National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

ChicagoPearlHarbor1Japanese Consul General Kenichi Okada (center) poses with FAVI Liaison officer Rosemarie San Diego (left) and Philippine Consulate General in Chicago Cultural Officer Noly Dulay (right). (Chicago PCG photo)

CHICAGO 26 December 2019 — The Philippine Consulate General in Chicago joined the 78th National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day held by the American Legion and the Sons of the American Legion (SAL), in Illinois on 07 December 2019. The Consulate General’s Cultural Officer, Noly Dulay, represented Consul General to Chicago Gina Jamoralin in the event.

Organized by the American Legion and SAL, and in collaboration with Filipino-American Veterans of Illinois, Unified Vietnamese-American Community of Illinois, and Veterans Assistance Commission of Cook County Windy City Veterans Association, the event included a “Post Everlastingmemorial program, in honor of all warriors stationed on USS Naval ships or were land-based during the air barrage on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on 07 December 1941.

The American Legion invited Japanese Consul General Kenichi Okada to participate in the ceremony to urge unity among nations and peace, in a time of uncertainty. END

ChicagoPearlHarbor2Japanese Consul General Kenichi Okada (center) and Philippine Consulate General in Chicago Cultural Officer Noly Dulay (fifth from right) pose with the Officers of American Legion and the Sons of the American Legion. (Chicago PCG photo)


78th National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day Commemoration at American Legion and the Sons of the American Legions. (Chicago PCG photo)

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