PH Embassy in Moscow Updates FilCom on the Philippines’ Counter Communist Terrorism Efforts

MoscowTerrorist1PH Embassy’s Defense Attaché Col. Dennis Pastor gives an update to members of the Filipino community in Moscow on government’s whole-of-government and whole-of-nation approaches to counter the communist terrorist threat CPP-NPA-NDF.  The lecture was delivered during a Kapihan sa Pasuguan session on 23 February 2020. (Moscow PE photo)

MOSCOW 02 March 2020 — The Philippine Embassy in Moscow updated the Filipino Community on the Philippine government’s efforts in confronting the decades-old insurgency posed by the Communist Party of the Philippines, its militia, the New People’s Army and its political arm, the National Democratic Front (CPP-NPA-NDF) on 23 February 2020. 

In its Kapihan sa Pasuguan, the Philippine Embassy’s Defense Attaché, Col. Dennis Pastor gave the gathered members of the Filipino community the latest developments in the government’s efforts – the whole-of-government and whole-of-nation approaches – to address the communist terrorist threat by involving all segments of Philippine society, including overseas Filipinos.

In his presentation, Col. Pastor said that “the CPP, NPA, and NDF are capitalizing on perceived failures and delays in the delivery of government services in order to gather sympathy and recruit innocent civilians to fight for their causes.”  He added that “more than the whole-of-government approach where public servants are expected to show their utmost dedication in fulfilling their duties, every Filipino has a role to play in ending the insurgency problem thru the whole-of-nation approach.” 

Col. Pastor urged the audience, who are mostly migrant women workers, to be mindful of the candidates and party-list groups that they support during elections or the entities to which they may contribute funds to, in the guise of doing development projects back in the Philippines.  He added that overseas Filipinos can also help by disseminating information that they have learned to their families and friends back home so that they do not fall prey to the machinations of the CPP, NPA, and NDF. 

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte adopted the whole-of nation approach in Executive Order No. 70 (signed December 2018) and established a national task force (NTF) that will take the lead in institutionalizing a national peace framework and also work within the objectives set in the Philippine Development Plan for 2017-2022.

Last year, The Philippine Embassy also held a Kapihan where Col. Pastor introduced to the Filipino community the concept of a whole-of-nation approach to end the communist terrorist threat. END

MoscowTerrorist2Col. Pastor urged the members of the Filipino community in Moscow, mostly female migrant workers, to counter apathy on the issue.  Aside from being mindful of whom to vote during elections and which group to give financial contributions to support various causes, overseas Filipinos can actively help by disseminating information on the issue to their friends and families back home so that they will not fall prey to the machinations of the Communist Party of the Philippines, its militia, the New People’s Army and its political arm, the National Democratic Front. (Moscow PE photo)

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